Skitopel Receives Title: Best of Best Review Winner 2024
We are thrilled to announce that Skitopel has been awarded the Best All-Natural Insect Repellent of 2024 by Best of Best Review. This prestigious recognition highlights Skitopel's exceptional contribution to the insect repellent industry, setting a new standard for safety, effectiveness, and innovation.
Skitopel Illinois Business Journal Article
Skitopel Illinois Business Journal Article
is the article about us in the August issue of the Illinois Business Journal on page 21:
c802c60a-b2cc-4173-87f2-88df0f26f6f6.pdf (
Skitopel Healthy Planet Magazine article
Skitopel Healthy Planet Magazine Article Here is the link to the article in the August 2023 issue of The Healthy Planet Magazine: Take Back Outdoors with Skitopel « The Healthy...
Skitopel Prairie Land Buzz Article
Skitopel Prairie Land Buzz Article Skitopel Prairie Land Buzz Article Here is the article about us in July issue of the Prairie Land Buzz magazine: The article is pages...
Skitopel on Show Me St. Louis
Skitopel on Show Me St. Louis Skitopel on Show Me St. Louis Here is the link to see us on Show Me St. Louis: Enjoy the outdoors again without the...
Skitopel on Fox 2 News, Studio Stl show
Skitopel on Fox 2 News
Here is the link to see us on Studio Stl.
Take back the outdoors with Skitopel | FOX 2 (
Skitopel on Riverbender Daily Show
Skitopel on Riverbender Daily Show
Here is the link to watch our interview on the Daily Show:
St. Louis Post Dispatch article
Skitopel St. Louis Post Dispatch Article
St. Louis Post Dispatch Article
Illinois couple discovered an herbal mosquito remedy. Now they sell it. | Local Business |
The Alton Telegraph and Jacksonville Journal article
The Alton Telegraph and Jacksonville Journal
The Alton Telegraph and Jacsonville Journal article
Bunker Hill duo battles bugs with herbal creations (
Catnip is 10 times more effective than Deet
These candles are a win-win for everyone. Mosquitoes are repelled by the smell of these herbs while they provide a sweet, relaxing scent for humans.